Connecting neighbors to neighbors, engaging people with nature, and restoring life-giving habitats

“It’s always about the habitat.”

— Rob Spencer, Lead Cultivator

Watch our video above to learn about who Cultiv8Community is, what we do, the things we have accomplished, and what the future holds.

Video: Joe Carpenter
Music: Alex Bumpas

A lot of our work is in nature and at times with endangered and threatened species.

Kestrels are beautiful yet often not seen.  Their habitat is being diminished.  They are endangered in the northeast and populations overall have decreased by 50% over the past 50 years.  They are the most common of falcons as well as the smallest and most vulnerable and yet they are strong, resilient, and have amazing flying abilities.

Created life of all kinds lives with a deficit all around us.  Often, we don’t even notice.  Even the Kestrel, though the most common falcon, is diminishing in population.  This is due in part to a reduction in habitat caused by farming practices, pesticide use, and clearing of the land.  This is symbolic of the journey of much of humanity and creation.  People, Communities, and Species continue life despite deficits in nature, food, housing, and other resources, and yet they are not quite whole, not quite showing their full expression. 

 At the end of the day, It's Always About the Habitat!

Why the Kestrel?

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